I have been busy with various university responsibilities this last week, so I have had time neither for modeling in Blender nor posting my progress here. I have a few extra hours today, so I was able to quickly knock down a few buildings for the game level. Here's a quick wireframe of the scene:

In developing these models, I have been looking at ways to use recessed windows built directly into the mesh, whereas with the tower I developed the windows as separate objects and "floated" them where they should be. The built-in windows, I think, look a lot nicer so I'm probably going to go back to the tower and do the same with it. I also thought, since players will only see one side of the game objects, it won't be necessary to develop the other side of the objects. I'll probably include this change in the tower as well when I revisit it.
Now I just have to think of a name for this imaginary German town. Bad Dinkelheim? Ober Dinkelheim? Dinkelheim am Fluss?